Empire Specialty Printing

3" Cowbell Noisemaker

Pricing Details

Production Time: 16 Working Days
250 $2.35 each
500 $1.50 each
1000 $1.33 each
2500 $1.15 each
5000 $0.97 each
$50.00 each
Made of iron, this cowbell comes in a variety of vibrant colors. It's a hand-held noisemaker that adds a fun and distinctive sound to any event. Custom options are available.

Normal Production Time
16 Working Days

Product Size
3" x 2.36" x 3"

Country of Manufacture

Additional Information
Product Color: Borwn, Red, Black, Orange, Pink, White, All Colors

Additional charges may apply.

We can do rush service if you need, please contact us.
Stacey and Dan Chilbert
Empire Specialty Printing
Liverpool, NY 13090
(315) 415-3285