Empire Specialty Printing

11ft PromoFlag with Ground Stake-single

Pricing Details

Production Time: 7 Working Days
1 $191.05 each
11 $167.00 each
26 $153.43 each
51 $140.28 each
101 $127.55 each
500 $120.03 each
1000 $112.73 each
Single-sided 12 foot PromoFlag with Ground Stake. PromoFlags are the latest product to hit the outdoor promotion market. They get your message out with a system you can setup in minutes, without electricity. Available in 8', 11', 12' & 15' sizes with a variety of mounting options. The flag rotates on sealed bearings so the flag does not wrap around the pole, and the flag is locked into the base by a steel pin so it can not be taken out by the wind or vandals. The pole system is built with three to five pieces of carbon-fiber material, and with a flexible top section that makes curve. The PromoFlag is designed so the flag stays readable even when there is no wind, and even with a slight wind it waves gently to attract your eye.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size

Stacey and Dan Chilbert
Empire Specialty Printing
Liverpool, NY 13090
(315) 415-3285