Empire Specialty Printing

Cow Bell Sound Makers with Grip Handle

Pricing Details

Production Time: 6 Working Days
100 $7.73 each
200 $7.67 each
400 $7.50 each
600 $7.33 each
800 $7.00 each
1000 $6.83 each
1500 $6.50 each
2000 $6.33 each
3000 $6.00 each
5000 $5.83 each
Ideal for sports events, these cowbells create a powerful sound by shaking, with the metal ball hitting the inside. Easy to operate, they??re great for all ages. Additionally, each cowbell doubles as an attention-grabbing aid for safety, useful for elderly or disabled individuals needing to signal for help.

Normal Production Time
6 Working Days

Product Size
Length:3:in; Width:8.5:in;

0.7 lbs

Additional Information
These cowbells for sporting events are perfect for cheering at sporting events, football games, public markets, or for celebrating a wedding or graduationOrders of 2000 pieces or greater are eligible for sea shipping.
Stacey and Dan Chilbert
Empire Specialty Printing
Liverpool, NY 13090
(315) 415-3285